Friday, December 21, 2012

Food waste a new opportunity for entrepreneurs

Two years ago, the sight of pristine-looking peas that had arrived all the way from Kenya to London made an impression on a would-be entrepreneur, Jenny Dawson. The peas had been tossed aside at a wholesale food market, getting ready to be sent to the landfill.
Soon after that, on a friend's farm, crates of apples, deemed too small for their buyer, were left out to rot.
Seeing all this waste pushed Dawson, 27, who formerly worked for a hedge fund, to start a business using surplus produce. The model for Rubies in the Rubble, her jam and chutney business, was born, with the goal using food that would otherwise get tossed to create foods that people would buy.
"Preserves seemed almost a natural thing to be doing with a glut of fruit and veg, because it then lasts up to 10 months," Dawson said.

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